Palliative Care Alaska

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Palliative Care in Alaska

Strengthening Palliative Care

Collaboration I Advocacy I Education


We use these donations throughout the year to bring palliative care resources to the community. Our mission is to grow a dynamic network of palliative care advocates by offering growth opportunities such as newsletters, webinar series, skill-building workshops, and our annual CE symposium. Your donation supports the routine functions of PCAN including marketing, website upkeep, promotional, and educational materials. Palliative care is good, quality care that everyone deserves. Our role is to grow a network within Alaska to continue to advocate for palliative care services for all.

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Palliative Care Alaska Network

Who we are

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View resources for helpers and professionals

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What is Palliative Care?

The goal of the Palliative Care Alaska Networks (PCAN) to advocate for high-quality care and grow a network within Alaska dedicated to advancing palliative care services.
Palliative Care is more than hospice care or for those at end
of life; Palliative care is about living well with a life-limiting
illness or condition.
Palliative care supports a patient and their family throughout serious illness, whether the prognosis is curative, chronic or terminal. The goal is to improve patients’ overall quality of life by alleviating symptoms and stress of illness. It is a complimentary treatment plan that includes a team of doctors, nurses, social workers, physical/occupational therapist, religious/spiritual chaplains, and other specialists. Palliative care works alongside a patient’s primary medical team or village clinic, while keeping the person and their family at the center of the care with as much participation as they choose. Palliative care is supportive care that is appropriate for all ages, at any stage of chronic or serious illness, and is provided in both inpatient or outpatient setting.
Learn more about palliative care:

Latest Events


Palliative Care Alaska Network 7th Annual Symposium

Don’t miss this years 7th Annual Symposium! Palliative Care: Embracing Guided Partnerships. Nov. 4th 2023. 
Tickets available here at:

6th Annual Palliative Care Alaska Network Symposium

Don’t miss this years 6 Annual Symposium! Walking Each Other Home: Providing Care in the Face of Seroius Illness. Oct. 29,2022. Tickets available here at

Interdisciplinary Conference

PCAN is excited to promote the yearly Interdisciplinary Conference, here is the registration link.

Health Workshop

Registration is now open! Please join us for what is sure to be an amazing day in the world of palliative care! Get your CEU’s!! Tickets here:

Summary of Resources

Palliative Care Support

How Does Palliative Care Support Patients and Families? Read More

Impact on Healthcare

How Does Palliative Care Impact the Healthcare Team? Read More

High Healthcare Costs

How does Palliative Care Impact High Healthcare Costs? Read More

Alaska Hospice Support

In Alaska, care is primarily provided in the patient’s home setting – hospice
brings services to the patient. Hospice also offers Respite Care (usually in a
facility) and can may provide intensive symptom management in a hospital
setting if needed.
All Medicare Certified Hospices provide a year of BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT
(at no cost) after the death of a hospice patient. They also provide some level
of bereavement and grief support for the community. Contact a local
to find out more about their individual community
grief support programs


What People Say

The team of professional caretakers have helped us to improve many aspects
of our mothers life. The nurse works hard and knows what they are doing.
Thank you.

Jay Lian