Palliative Care Alaska

Symposium Sponsorship​

Symposium sponsorship levels as follows: 









·       Free attendance for 4 individuals.

·       Name displayed as lunch sponsor at the buffet.

·       Exhibitor space/table.

·       Introduce a speaker and plug your company.

·       Promote your company by adding your information in PCAN swag bags that all attendees receive.

·       Your logo is featured on the PCAN Facebook page and our website.

·       Free attendance for 3 individuals.

·       Name displayed as breakfast sponsor at the buffet.

·       Exhibitor space/table.

·       Promote your company by adding your information in PCAN swag bags that all attendees receive.

·       Free attendance for 2 individuals.

·       Name displayed as afternoon refreshments sponsor at the buffet.

·       Exhibitor space/table.

·       Company brochure/swag for attendee bags; logo included on event swag, signage, the symposium program, social media, and PCAN website.

·       Free attendance for up to 1 individual.

·       Name displayed as afternoon refreshment sponsor at the buffet.

·       Company brochure/swag for attendee bags; logo included on event swag, signage, the symposium program, social media, and PCAN website.

Please add name/business name, address, email, and phone number to sponsorship